
Monday, December 10, 2012

Self Evaluation

              My first semester at Penn State went by pretty quickly. A lot of information was thrown at me over the past couple months. One specific area where I learned a lot, is writing. The most important thing I’ve learned in English this year is to use my voice in my writing. No one needs to use long words or ridiculous sentences to be a good writer. All you need to do is find your own voice, and stick to it in your writing. Aside from that, one of the first things we learned this year was how to use rhetoric tools. One thing that I took from the lessons was how to use pathos, ethos, and logos for effective writing. Pathos can be used to appeal to an audience’s emotions, whether it’s vivid imagery or compelling words. Ethos is used to appeal to the ethics of an audience, establishing a writer’s credibility with them. Logos is for appealing to the logic of your audience, by reasoning or even persuasive language. Throughout the year, I learned to apply these rhetoric tools to my writing. First, I applied them to write a visual analysis paper on an advertisement, next to write a memoir on an important time in my life.
            Writing and rhetoric were not the only topics covered in class this semester. We also learned a lot about Penn State, and how the arts are involved at the university. For starters, Penn State has on of the most prestigious English departments in the country. Each and every day, there are opportunities to go out and get involved in the arts community. One thing that Penn State has that a lot of other colleges may not have is its own art museum. The Palmer Museum of Art is filled with a wide variety of art exhibits, and it is definitely worth the trip. Penn State also has a great theatre department. For our class we saw them put on an excellent performance of In the Red and Brown Water at the Playhouse Theatre, one of many venues at the school. Another venue where more famous artists perform is the Bryce Jordan Center, where concerts and events are held year round. Our class also made a visit to the university’s arboretum, possibly one of the most scenic, unknown spots on campus. One other kind of art we explored during our time together as an English class is cinema. We attended the IAH Film Festival at the State College Theatre downtown. There was a diverse selection of movies to see all centered around a college theme.
            One last area where I made some discoveries this semester is in myself. I always dreaded writing of any kind in high school. These past few months though, I don’t mind it as much, I’m actually starting to feel comfortable writing papers. Another thing I realized over the semester is that I do enjoy most of the arts here. The theatre was interesting as well as the Palmer Museum. I also enjoyed the arboretum and the IAH Film Festival. Overall, I’m glad I decided to take English 15S here at Penn State. 












Hey Mrs. S--- I completed my SRTE online !

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